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  • Security in the city

As with any developing country with large income inequality, security in Cote d'Ivoire, and more particularly in Abidjan can be a concern. That said, the security situation in Côte d’Ivoire has evolved immensely since the 2011 Post-election crisis. Non-violent incidents such as purse snatchings and pick pocketing on public transportation are some of the most frequently reported crimes.  As a countermeasure, the city administration has heightened its crime combating efforts, particularly in the centre of Abidjan, with the installation of  video-camera surveillance. It is safe to walk around Abidjan during the day. At night, you should exercise caution, even when in groups. Violent hold-ups and home invasions are rare, and heavy traffic in Abidjan has led to a drop in the number of car-jackings.

In March 2013, a special task force composed of police officers, gendarmes and soldiers known as the CCDO was set up in Abidjan to improve coordination between various security units.  Their armoured vehicle patrol the city every day and for emergencies, you can call the numbers below:

Emergency numbers 24/7

Free calls Tel: 100/111
Tel: +225 20 22 53 45 / +225 20 22 49 17


See below a list of police station in Abidjan:

  • Abobo

-ABOBO Commissariat du 13ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 24 39 00 90

-ABOBO Commissariat du 14ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 24 39 15 54

-ABOBO Commissariat du 15ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 24 39 05 00

-ABOBO DERRIERE RAIL Commissariat du 21ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 24 49 64 66

-ABOBO AVOCATIER Commissariat du 32ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 24 39 93 18

-ABOBO BAOULE-BELLEVILLE Commissariat du 34ème Arrondissement

  • Adjamé

-ADJAME MARCHE Commissariat du 3ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 20 37 44 65

-ADJAME - 220 LOGEMENTS Commissariat du 7ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 20 37 15 91

-WILLIAMSVILLE Commissariat du 11ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 20 37 23 28

-ADJAME BRACODI Commissariat du 27ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 20 37 50 47

  • Attecoube

-ATTECOUBE Commissariat du 10ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 20 37 27 41

  • Cocody

-COCODY Commissariat du 8ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 22 44 15 91

-II PLATEAUX Commissariat du 12ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 22 41 35 05

-ANGRE Commissariat du 22ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 22 42 02 33

-RIVIERA Commissariat du 18ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 22 47 18 65

-ATTOBAN Commissariat du 30ème Arrondissement

-RIVIERA PALMERAIE Commissariat du 35ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 22 49 37 76

  • Koumassi

-KOUMASSI Commissariat du 6ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225  21 36 14 34

-KOUMASSI CAMPEMENT Commissariat du 20ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 21 36 20 08

-KOUMASSI Commissariat du 36ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 21 36 01 33

  • Marcory

-MARCORY Commissariat du 9ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 21 26 78 58

-ZONE 3 Commissariat du 4ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 21 35 10 27

-MARCORY ALIODAN Commissariat du 26ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 21 26 37 44

-PERGOLA ZONE 4 Commissariat du 31ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 21 25 31 20

  • Plateau

-PLATEAU Commissariat du 1er Arrondissement

 Tel: +225 20 21 58 33

  • Port-Bouet

-PORT-BOUËT Commissariat du 5ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 21 27 71 78

-GONZAGUEVILLE Commissariat du 24ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 21 58 68 14

-PORT-BOUËT DERRIERE WHARF Commissariat du 33ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 21 27 67 69

  • Treichville

-TREICHVILLE BIAFRA Commissariat du 29ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 21 24 95 55

-TREICHVILLE Commissariat du 2ème Arrondissement

 Tel: +225 21 24 17 48

  • Yopougon

-YOPOUGON Commissariat du 16ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 23 45 26 64

-YOPOUGON NIANGON Commissariat du 17ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 23 46 37 28

-YOPOUGON - TOITS ROUGES Commissariat du 19ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 23 45 63 60

-YOPOUGON Commissariat du 23ème Arrondissement

-MOSSIKRO Commissariat du 28ème Arrondissement

Tel: +225 23 45 96 90


  • Carjacking

Carjacking has previously been a common form of crime in Abidjan but it has substantially decreased since 2010.

A few cases that happened recently remind us the possible increase of carjacking in Abidjan.

Carjacking can occur anywhere, but is mostly a big city problem.
It happens most often in a busy commercial area where cars are parked and when the owner is entering or exiting the parked vehicle. The majority of carjackings or attempts tend to occur near the victim's home. The carjacker wants the keys readily available and the car door unlocked for a quick getaway. Carjackers tend to prefer people who are alone in their car for obvious reasons.
Popular carjacking locations are parking lots, shopping centers, gas stations, car washes, convenience stores, ATMs, hotels and outside of retail stores. Close proximity to a freeway is a desirable escape factor from the carjackers prospective. A risky, but popular location for the carjacker is a roadway intersection with a stoplight. A carjacker will jump out of another vehicle, pull open your unlocked drivers’ door, and force you to get out. This type of carjacking allows for a quick escape but increases their risk of being followed by other drivers.
Another copycat scheme used by carjackers is to bump your car from behind to get you to pull over and stop.

How to avoid it?

First of all, you need to remember that strict enforcement of security principles is always essential.

Carjacking of parked vehicles depends on the car owner being inattentive to their surroundings. Carjackers, like street robbers, prefer the element of surprise. Most victims say they never saw the carjacker until they appeared at their car door. To reduce your risk of being carjacked, here is a list of important points to remember:

* Consider getting a mobile panic button from any major security company.
* Always park in well-lighted areas, if you plan to arrive/leave after dark
* Don't park in isolated or visually obstructed areas
* Don't use an unattended garage, if you are driving alone
* As you walk to your car be alert of suspicious people sitting in cars
* Watch out for people loitering in the area (handing out flyers, etc)
* If someone tries to approach, change direction or run to a busy store
* As you approach your vehicle, look under, around, and inside your car, If safe, open the door, enter quickly, and lock the doors
* Don't be a target by turning your back while loading packages into the car
 * Make it your habit to always start your car and drive away immediately
* Teach and practice with your children to enter and exit the car quickly
* In the city, always drive with your car doors locked and windows rolled up
* When stopped in traffic, leave room ahead to maneuver and escape, if necessary
* If you are bumped in traffic, try to understand if the accident is genuine or not and waive to follow to a gas station or busy place before getting out
* If you are ever confronted by an armed carjacker don’t resist
* Give up your keys or money if demanded without resistance
* Don’t argue, fight or chase the robber. You can be seriously injured

If you are carjacked,
call the police immediately to report the crime and provide detailed information


  • Home Security

For your home security, it is advisable that you opt for gated communities and compounds or secured apartments. Most people find that paying particular attention to your home security permiter will help minimize their chances of becoming a target. This includes ensuring that there is no heavy vegetation near your home that would-be thieves can hide in, and making sure that you have outdoor lighting.  Some people also opt to have motion detected lighting installed.

  • Roads Security in Côte d'Ivoire

While roads in Abidjan are generally safe and well patrolled, there are a number of risk areas outside of the capital.  They include roads along the Liberian border and in the northern central parts of country where highway bandits take advantage of the lack of a strong police presence.  Your best bet is to travel in a convoy of at least vehicles and to avoid travel in the evening or pre-dawn hours. Security checkpoints are relatively common, particularly near the Zone of Confidence, the ceasefire line between the North and the South, and on the outskirts of major cities. Soldiers may ask to inspect your documents. If this happens to you, just remain calm and hand over your papers.

  • Security Companies in Abidjan

Here is a list of a some security companies operating in Abidjan. Most providers of security solutions offer a complete range of integrated security solutions for different budgets:

Groupe Derre Ci

Address: Cocody Deux Plateaux behind la Polyclinique
Tel: +225 22 41 32 56 / +225 61 25 26 26 / +225 46 07 00 70
Fax: +225 22 41 32 61

Delta Assistance

Address: Cocody Boulevard Latrille, next 22e Arrondissement
Tel: +225 22 42 47 63 / +225 22 52 86 84



Jaco Service

Address: Cocody-Angré Cafétier 7 Lot 12 06
Tel: +225 22 50 64 27 / +225 22 50 64 28
Fax: +225 22 50 64 29


SPA (Société Professionnelle d'Assistance et de Sécurité)

Address: Marcory Sicogi opposite former Clinique La Madonne

Tel: +225 21 26 34 01 / +225 07 01 79 70

Email:  spasecurité


KD Securite

Address: Marcory - Opposite school "Cours Lamartine"
Tel: +225 21 24 42 12 / +225 08 24 35 05
Fax: +225 21 35 48 39

UGS Securite

Address: Cocody Deux Plateaux - Crossroad Duncan
Tel: +225 22 50 04 45 / +225 22 50 61 31 / +225 07 93 19 07 / +225 08 74 35 62 / +225 07 06 05 84


Lynx Service Security

Marcory Blvd VGE, Immeuble SCI Karine Plaza
Tel : +225 21 28 48 23
Fax: +225 21 28 45 52

Bipsun Securite

Pharmacie du Château d'Eau, Attecoubé (BRAMACOTE)
Tel : +225 20 38 49 22 / +225 05 05 89 90
Fax: +225 20 38 49 01

AD International

II Plateaux, Aghein, Blvd Latrille, Face à la BHCI, Villa N° 380
Tel : +225 22 52 59 80
Fax: +225 22 52 60 92

911 Security

Zone 4 Biétry-Rue G 64
Tel : +225 21 21 22 12 / +225 21 21 22 13
Fax: +225 21 21 22 13


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